Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Get Engaged, and Enjoy Work

In June this year, Gallup published an article stating that only about “30 percent of workers are engaged in the workplace.”   What this amounts to is that 3/10 of the workers are driving the business forward, and essentially carrying the other 7/10. 

How unfair!

Have you thought about what keeps you at your job?  Have you ever been frustrated by those who “don’t do their fair share?” 

Having a friend at work can improve workplace engagement and contributes to more productive teams.  Aside from having friends at work, do you ever offer to lend your co-workers a hand, or tell them good job for their hard work?

Whether or not you are a manager (although this is especially important if you are!), it is important to let people know they are doing a good job.  Frequently.  An article in Harvard Business Review identifies that the “Highest performing groups have a ratio of 5.6 positive comments to every 1 negative comment.”

Take action to improve your work situation by positively supporting the good behavior of your team: make friends with them, praise them publicly (Facebook anyone?), and often, and build the success and engagement of your team. Chances are, everyone will enjoy work a bit more.


  1. My intern twin this summer also said it's important to have a best friend at work! Great article :)

    1. Thanks Shuyun. I think your intern twin is on to something :)
